Bill of Materials Introduction


This page provides a Bill of Materials (BOM) for the entire kit. There is one BOM for all of the "common" (non band-specific) items, followed by a band-specific BOM for each Band implemented in the kit.

When inventorying, note that Tony usually provides one or two spares of each of the SMT capacitors (experience over 20,000 kits has proven these to have a high probability of at least one specimen being "launched" into the nether regions, never to be seen again).

If it is your practice to separate the SMT capacitors from their carrier strips when inventorying them, it would be wise to mark the ones from the black-striped carrier using a magic marker. This way you avoid possibly mixing the different-valued SMT caps up.

Also note that the kit comes with a single hank of magnetic wire made up of a 30 foot long length of wire. This is more than enough to cover the coil/transformer requirements, with some to spare.

DX Shipments Are in 2 Mailings

Finally, if you are a non-US builder, please note that Ensemble kit shipments to DX locations are done in two mailings:

  1. The first mailing includes the circuit board, ICs and capacitors.
  2. The second mailing includes the resistors, connectors, cores/wire, and hardware.
  3. (go directly to build notes) (go directly to build notes)

    Bill of Materials

    Ensemble RX II Component Inventory Summary

    (resistor images and color codes courtesy of WIlfried, DL5SWB's R-Color Code program)

    boardhdw-HDW4 X #4-40 hdw (nut, bolt, washer, spacer) 1
    Capacitor-Ceramic390 pF 5%391 3912
    Capacitor-Ceramic0.01 uF103 1031
    Capacitor-Ceramic0.047 uF 5%473 4732
    Capacitor-Ceramic4.7 uF 10% 16V X7R RAD475 4755
    Capacitor-SMT 12060.1 uF(smt) black stripe (smt) black stripe19
    connector-JackBNC Connector Male - PCB mount 1
    connector-Jack-RA3.5mm stereo jack - PCB mount (rt-angle) 1
    connector-Jack-RADC Power Jack PCB Mount (rt-angle) 1
    connector-Jack-RAUSB-B pcb jack (rt-angle) 1
    connector-PlugDC Power Plug 5.5/2.1mm Pos Ctr 1
    Diode-Axial1N40031N4003 1N40031
    Diode-AxialBZX55C3V3 3.3V zener diodeBZX55C BZX55C2
    IC-DIP 8ATtiny 85-20 PU w/V15.12 FirmwareAVR ATTINY85-20PU AVR ATTINY85-20PU1
    IC-DIP-4LTV-817 Opto-IsolatorLTV 817 LTV 8172
    IC-I2CSi570 Programmable OscillatorSiLabs 570 SiLabs 5701
    IC-SOIC-1474AC74 Dual D FF74AC74 74AC741
    IC-SOIC-16FST3253 mux/demux switchFST3253 FST32533
    IC-SOIC-8LT6231 dual op-ampLT6231 LT62311
    IC-SOT-23-5LP2992AIM5-3.3V regulatorLFEA LFEA1
    IC-TO-92LM78L05 voltage regulatorLM78L05 LM78L051
    inductor-Binocular coreBN-43-2402 (no markings!)none none3
    inductor-ToroidT30-2 toroid corered red3
    PCB-Main BoardEnsemble RX PCB (board)1
    Resistor-1/4W10 ohm 1/4W 1%br-blk-blk-gld-br br-blk-blk-gld-br2
    Resistor-1/4W4.99 k 1/4W 1%y-w-w-br-br y-w-w-br-br2
    Resistor-1/6W68 1/6W 5%bl-gry-blk-gld bl-gry-blk-gld3
    Resistor-1/6W120 1/6W 5%brn-red-brn-gld brn-red-brn-gld2
    Resistor-1/6W2.2k 1/6W 5%red-red-red-gld red-red-red-gld12
    Resistor-1/6W10 k 1/6W 5%brn-blk-ora-gld brn-blk-ora-gld5
    Resistor-1/6W1 M 1/6W 5%brn-blk-grn-gld brn-blk-grn-gld1
    socket-Socket8 pin dip socket1
    wire-Cutoffshunt wire (cut-off lead)3
    wire-MagneticMagnetic Wire, enameled #302

    Band-Specific "Sub-BOMs"

    To see the values for the band-specific items, click on the link below corresponding to the desired band/kit

    Component Designations by Stage

    Click to see the listing of individual componet designations by stage (e.g., "R1 10 ohms in Local Oscillator Stage").

    UnAssigned Components

    magwireMagnetic Wire, enameled #30Magnetic 35 feet in the kitBill of Materials
    xtracap0.1 uF(smt) black stripe (smt) black stripeSMT 1206  Bill of Materials