External Connections Introduction


Congratulations! You have successfully built and (unit) tested your Ensemble SDR transceiver for the chosen "super-band".

This is the wrap-up stage, where we connect the rig to the outside world (PC (SDR program and soundcard), antenna, and paddles and actually put the transceiver through it paces.

The builder may, at this point, want to consider the hardware and software offerings (PSDR-IQ and USB2SDR card) from Christos SV1EIA (sv1eia@gmail.com). This combination represents the best quality software and hardware interface between the computer and the Ensemble RXTX.

Depending upon the option you have chosen to build and how you wish to operate within that built option, you may need to provide additional low-pass filtering between the transceiver and the antenna. The FCC requires that the mean power of any spurious emission from a station transmitter or external RF amplifier transmitting on a frequency below 30 MHz must be at least 43 dB below the mean power of the fundamental emission. In the case of an 80m (3.5 MHz) transmitter, we must ensure that the mean power at the second harmonic (40m - 7.0 MHz) must be at least 43db below that of the fundamental 80m emission. This rule applies to the RXTX Ensemble. With the current design, the following options require low-pass filtering in order to reduce the second (and higher order) harmonics for the following options to at least 43 dB below that of the fundamental (first-mentioned) band (assuming you want to operate in that band):

Band OptionUse LPF When Operating AtTo Attenuate 2nd Harmonic At
80/40m (80m) 3.5 MHz7.0 MHz
40/30/20m(40m) 7.0 MHZ14 MHz
30/20/17m(30m)10.1 MHz20.2 MHz
(go directly to build notes)

External Connections Schematic

(Resistor testpoints (hairpin, top, or left-hand lead), as physically installed on the board, are marked in the schematic with red dots)

(Click for Full Schematic)
External Connectionsschematic

(above schematic has clickable areas that can be used for navigation)

(go directly to build notes)

External Connections Bill of Materials

Stage Bill of Materials

(resistor images and color codes courtesy of WIlfried, DL5SWB's R-Color Code program)

14 X #4-40 hdw (nut, bolt, washer, spacer) HDW

Band Specific Items for 80, 40m Band

C200390 pF 5%391 391Ceramic  External Connections
C2011000 pF 5%102 102Ceramic  External Connections
C202390 pF 5%391 391Ceramic  External Connections
L2002.5uH: 29T #26(17in) on T37-6 (yel)yellow yellowCoil  External Connections
L200-coreT37-6 toroid coreyellow yellowToroid  External Connections
L2012.5uH: 29T #26(17in) on T37-6 (yel)yellow yellowCoil  External Connections
L201-coreT37-6 toroid coreyellow yellowToroid  External Connections

Band Specific Items for 40, 30, 20m Band

C200220 pF 5%221 221Ceramic  External Connections
C201470 pF 5%471Ceramic  External Connections
C202220 pF 5%221 221Ceramic  External Connections
L2001.3uH: 18T #26(12in) on T37-2(red)red redcoil  External Connections
L200-coreT37-2 toroid corered redToroid  External Connections
L2011.3uH: 18T #26(12in) on T37-2(red)red redcoil  External Connections
L201-coreT37-2 toroid corered redToroid  External Connections

Band Specific Items for 30, 20, 17m Band

C200100 pF 5%101 101Ceramic  External Connections
C201330 pF 5%331 331Ceramic  External Connections
C202100 pF 5%101 101Ceramic  External Connections
L2000.9uH: 15T #26(10 in) on T37-2 (red)red redCoil  External Connections
L200-coreT37-2 toroid corered redToroid  External Connections
L2010.9uH: 15T #26(10 in) on T37-2 (red)red redCoil  External Connections
L201-coreT37-2 toroid corered redToroid  External Connections

External Connections Summary Build Notes

External Connections Detailed Build Notes

Top of the Board

External Connections Top View

Connect I and Q leads

Recently, there have been extensive discussions on the reflector concerning the fact that some builders have a combination of soundcard, software, PC, and operating system in which the jumpers/leads for the TX I and Q signals must be the reverse of the jumpers/leads for the RX I and Q. This has been pretty much a case-by-case experience. We are building a spreadsheet depicting various combinations of the relevant variables (soundcard, program, kit, PS, OS, etc.) and the wiring that "works" for the RX and TX I and Q signals.

The IQ connections are via stereo cables, male-to-male, 1/8" plugs, connecting:

  • "Line In" on the board to the "Line-In" (STEREO) input jack on the PC or sound card
  • :
  • "Line Out" on the board to the "Line-Out" (STEREO) output jack on the PC or sound card
  • :

Connect USB

Connect Antenna

Connect Keyer

Connect Power

Install In Enclosure (Optional)

One possibility for a nice enclosure for this rig is the Specialty Bottle Rectangular, Windowed Tin.

Another - and a very nice one at that - is the enclosure offered by Tom KM5H on his website

Load and Run SDR Software

Build and Connect External LPF

Note: if you intend to operate on 80m, 40m, or 30m, you MUST build special low-pass filters for those bands and connect it/them between your kit's antenna jack and the antenna. The LPFs are designed for the lowest freq band in the group ( 80 for the 80/40, 40 for the 40/30/20, and 30 for the 30/20/17 ). Thus, the external LPFs are built for and used in the antenna feed as follows:

  • 80m LPF with the 80m/40m option.
  • 40m LPF with the 40m/30m/20m option.
  • 30m LPF with the 30m/30m/17m option.

Build and Connect External LPF photo
80, 40m390 pF 5% (Ceramic)391
40, 30, 20m220 pF 5% (Ceramic)221
30, 20, 17m100 pF 5% (Ceramic)101
80, 40m1000 pF 5% (Ceramic)102
40, 30, 20m470 pF 5% (Ceramic)471
30, 20, 17m330 pF 5% (Ceramic)331
80, 40m390 pF 5% (Ceramic)391
40, 30, 20m220 pF 5% (Ceramic)221
30, 20, 17m100 pF 5% (Ceramic)101
80, 40m2.5uH: 29T #26(17in) on T37-6 (yel) (Coil)yellow
40, 30, 20m1.3uH: 18T #26(12in) on T37-2(red) (coil)red
30, 20, 17m0.9uH: 15T #26(10 in) on T37-2 (red) (Coil)red
L200-coreband-specific misc 
80, 40m2.5uH: 29T #26(17in) on T37-6 (yel) (Coil)yellow
40, 30, 20m1.3uH: 18T #26(12in) on T37-2(red) (coil)red
30, 20, 17m0.9uH: 15T #26(10 in) on T37-2 (red) (Coil)red
L201-coreband-specific misc 

External Connections Completed Stage

Top of the Board

View of Completed Top

External Connections Testing

I and Q Signals (RX) To PC Line In jack I and Q Signals (RX) To PC Line In jack I and Q (TX) Signals From PC Line Out Jack I and Q (TX) Signals From PC Line Out Jack Keyedr Input Jack (to LO/Control Stage) USB I/O to Local Oscillator and Control Stage 12V dc Power to Analog Power Supply 50 ohm Antenna Connection (BNC jack)